Betty Washington Lewis

Betty Washington Lewis
Portrait belongs to Mount Vernon Ladies Association

Friday, June 19, 2015

View of Rappahannock River from Fredericksburg, Virginia

Washington farm managed by
The George Washington Foundation

View of the Washington farm property

The Washington family settled three properties: Pope’s Creek in Westmoreland County; Little Hunting Creek in Prince William County; and Washington farm in King George County.
At age forty-nine, Augustine Washington died at Washington farm on 12 April 1743. His death left Mary, at age thirty-five, a widow responsible for raising five minor children – George, eleven; Betty, ten; Samuel, nine; John Augustine, seven; and Charles, five. Mary managed the property until George reached the legal age to own property.
In 1748, at age sixteen, George departed Washington farm to spend time at Mount Vernon with Lawrence. It is through his brother’s connection with Lord Fairfax that George joined a surveying party to western Virginia.
Betty was the first of the Washington siblings to marry. Just prior to her seventeenth birthday, Betty became the second wife of Fielding Lewis. The couple married 7 May 1750.[i] Betty and Fielding occupied a home on eight town lots in Fredericksburg while their mansion was constructed. Letters and restoration experts indicate the Lewis family did not occupy their plantation home until 1775. Located on Washington Avenue and Lewis Street, their mansion home is restored and open to the public.
George was allowed to claim the land inherited from his father in 1753. Although he was legal owner of the land, his mother maintained her home on his property until 1772. George rented Mount Vernon from his half-brother Lawrence’s widow, Anne Fairfax. Upon her death he became legal owner of Mount Vernon.
In 1771, George surveyed Washington farm. A year later, his mother moved to a home within walking distance of Betty’s home in Fredericksburg.[ii] Mary’s departure from Washington farm allowed George to advertise the sale of lands inherited from his father. The advertisement from Purdie and Dixon’s Virginia Gazette read as follows:

To be SOLD, RENTED, or EXCHANGED, for back Lands, in any of the northern Counties in this Colony, A TRACT of six Hundred ACRES, including about two Hundred of cleared Land on the north Side of Rappahannock River, opposite to the lower End of Fredericksburg. On this Tract (a little above the Road) is one of the most agreeable Situations for a House that is to be found upon the whole River, having a clear and distinct View of almost every House in the Town, and every Vessel that passes to and from it. Long Credit (if desired) will be given, the Purchaser paying Interest from the Sale; and an indisputable Title will be made. For further particulars inquire of Colonel [Fielding] Lewis in Fredericksburg, or the subscriber in Fairfax.
George Washington.

Fielding was tasked with renting the farm until a suitable buyer could be identified. The rental of the land delayed the conveyance to Hugh Mercer. In 1774, George sold Washington farm to Hugh Mercer.[iii]

[i] Fielding Lewis was the second son of Frances Fielding and Colonel John Lewis II of “Warner Hall” Gloucester County. His birth was recorded in the Abingdon Parish Register "Fielding, the son of Captain John Lewis and Mrs. Frances, his wife, was born July ye 7th, and baptized July ye 16th, 1725." (Source Archives Division, Virginia State Library) Fielding was six when his mother died 27 October 1731. (Source William and Mary Quarterly, Series 1, Volume 10, Page 49) His father married secondly, Priscilla Churchill, widow of Robert Carter of Nomini Hall in Westmoreland County. Fielding grew up at “Warner Hall.” His great-grandfather was Augustine Warner, Speaker of the House of Burgesses.
[ii] Mary Ball Washington remained at Washington farm for approximately twenty years subsequent to George reaching legal age to possess the land he inherited from his father. She departed from the property in 1772. Thus, she resided on the land for approximately 34 years. Charles Washington and Fielding Lewis conducted an inventory of livestock following George Washington’s survey of Washington farm in 1771.
[iii] Several letters detail the negotiations to transfer Washington farm from George Washington to Hugh Mercer. Mercer was fatally wounded at the Battle of Princeton. His will dated 20 March 1776 transfers his property to his sons George and James.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Birthday Tribute to George Washington born 22 February 1732

This blog to increase awareness of Betty Washington Lewis was initiated with intentions to post on a regular basis. However, with visiting research institutions and gathering documents to unravel the lives of the Lewis and Washington family, the good intentions fell to the side.
Today, a family member posted a lovely account of how their family celebrated George Washington’s birthday (22 February 1732). The post provided motivation to embellish upon tributes honoring George Washington.
George Washington’s nephew, Lawrence Lewis (and a son of Betty), and his adopted daughter Eleanor Parke Custis requested permission to marry at Mount Vernon on 22 February 1799. The family could not anticipate the celebration would be Washington’s last, as Washington wrote of living into the year 1800. Washington fell eighteen days short of that goal.
The strong ties of the Washington family and the dedication of family members to the patriarch George Washington, resulted in family members honoring his memory with not only extended family but close friends. It was George Washington Parke Custis, adopted son of George Washington and father-in-law of Robert Edward Lee, who first recognized the significance and necessity for preserving the birthplace of George (and Betty Washington Lewis), and placed the first stone marker identifying the remnants of the foundation to the Washington home that burned in 1779. Today, the National Park Service maintains the Pope’s Creek birthplace located in Westmoreland County, Virginia.
Both George Washington Parke Custis and his sister Eleanor Parke Custis held such regard for their adopted parents that they were honored to distribute Washington relics to friends of George and Martha Washington. Their homes in their adulthood were shrines to their adopted parents. It was Eleanor Parke Custis who eventually sold many of the relics that now comprise the Washington collection at the Smithsonian Institution.
Lafayette was a close friend of the family who made tribute to Washington. Lafayette’s visit to the United States in 1824 included time spent in the homes of several Lewis and Washington family members including George Washington Parke Custis, Lawrence Lewis and his wife Eleanor Parke Custis, Robert Lewis (younger brother of Lawrence Lewis and Mayor of Fredericksburg, Virginia) and Bushrod Washington (the owner of Mount Vernon at the time of the 1824 visit). Several of the family members including Lawrence Lewis and George Washington Parke Custis travelled with Lafayette as he visited friends and participated in dedications and tributes at locations such as the birthplace of George Washington and the tomb at Mount Vernon.

George Washington as patriarch of his family provided support to extended family as well as friends and the impact is evident by the tributes from those dear to him.

Interpretation of the marriage of Eleanor Parke Custis to Lawrence Lewis 22 February 1799