Betty Washington Lewis

Betty Washington Lewis
Portrait belongs to Mount Vernon Ladies Association

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

George Washington After Recovering from Influenza Rides Around New York

    Two hundred and thirty years ago, George Washington took a ride in his carriage to let the people know he was recovering from the influenza.

    In May 1790, Washington collapsed with influenza and lingered near death for three days with pulmonary complications. His illness was reported in the Boston Gazette on 18 May 1790.

    An article in the Virginia Gazette & Alexandria Advertiser on 3 June 1790 stated "By accounts received last night from New York, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is so far recovered as to ride out in his carriage."

    As President, George Washington was not long deterred from his duties. President Donald J. Trump appears to have this same determination! Wishing you a speedy recovery Mr. President!

Monday, August 24, 2020

Long Absence

To those of you have accessed this blog, you will note a long absence. I had family commitments that kept me from maintaining the page and continuing my research. I have used this page to determine the interest in the Washington and Lewis family history.

It is my hope to continue to share information and to respond to those of you who have posted and not heard from me.

There is much that has been researched and I continue to work toward publishing a book about Betty Washington Lewis.